International Outreach
Do you enjoy helping others abroad or Internationally related? This is the place for you, if you do!
Our goal in the 2018-2020 Term is to do what we can internationally.
We would like to put together a committee made up of Active Members and Booster Members. These members would work together, outside of general monthly meetings creating projects that will benefit Operation Smile and also Human Trafficking Victims / Survivors.
As we do more in the community, this page will fill up with project dates, pictures and other valuable information.
If you are interested in joining as an active member or a booster member, on this committee, please send an email to sljwcmembership@gmail.com and we will be happy to get you plugged in.
GFWC Florida President, Sharon Oliphant has chosen Operation Smile for her
2018-2020 project. Her theme is Smiles across the Miles. A fundraising goal of $250,000 has been set. GFWC Clubs will be asked to assist with awareness and projects to share Operation Smile.
For more information on the 2018-2020 GFWC President Project, click on the picture.