Do you enjoy Cooking, Dance, Music, or just being creative? This is the place for you, if you do!
Our goal in the 2018-2020 Term is to give back to the community by doing a variety of things. We can arrange to teach girls in the community skills such as getting to know the sewing machine, cooking, table setting, etc. Put a group together to view a play in a local theater, participate at a Ceramic shop making pottery that is given back, doing a canvas paint night. So many other opportunities as well!
We would like to put together a committee made up of Active Members and Booster Members. These members would work together, outside of general monthly meetings collaborate on ideas that would be related to the area of Arts.
As we do more in the community, this page will fill up with project dates, pictures and other valuable information.
If you are interested in joining as an active member or a booster member, on this committee, please send an email to sljwcmembership@gmail.com and we will be happy to get you plugged in.