Do you enjoy Reading? This is the place for you, if you do!
Our goal in the 2018-2020 Term is to donate at least 200+ books to locations that have children and our young adults.
We would like to put together a committee made up of Active Members and Booster Members. These members would work together, outside of general monthly meetings soliciting donations of books that can be turned around and donated back out once a label is placed on the inside of the book.
There will be groups formed to participate in the local schools to participate in the Read Across America on March 2, 2019 and 2020 as well as groups formed to participate in Drop Everything and Read.
This committee would also be in charge of receiving in Scholarship applications from High School Seniors as well as Teacher Grant requests. Teacher grant requests is something new that we will be implementing.
As we do more in the community, this page will fill up with project dates, pictures and other valuable information.
If you are interested in joining as an active member or a booster member, on this committee, please send an email to Floridabookhereos@gmail.com and we will be happy to get you plugged in.