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Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention

I am excited and honored to be serving as the 2018 - 2020 GFWC Florida Juniors Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Chairman!  It will truly take a village over the next 2 years to truly spread awareness throughout all 14 Florida GFWC Districts.  I hope that you will want to become a part of the Village.


Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention is GFWC's Signature Project and is close to my heart.  In addition to Intimate Partner abuse, the GFWC Signature Project: Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention also works to combat Child Abuse, teen dating violence, human trafficking and elder abuse.


Once our Facebook page is up and running it will post tips for prevention, things to look out for, fundraising that is needed or can be done in each area, etc.  


Here are a few dates to keep in mind:


February 9 is Wear Orange Day in support of healthy relationships

June 15 is Elder Abuse Day

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month


We will also be doing Pinwheels for children.  


I look forward to serving with you!!

Carla M Connelly

Click on my picture to send me an email. 

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